Serving Personnel

Are you serving in the Royal Navy, Army or Royal Air Force?

The Warrior programme is an intensive personal development programme. We run both 3 day residential and 5 day online intensive foundation courses followed by 12 month structured support and whether you are planning to stay or leave we guarantee that you will learn more about yourself, what makes you tick, how to stay motivated, succeed and take charge of yourself

Serving Personnel

Are you serving in the Royal Navy, Army or Royal Air Force?

The Warrior programme is an intensive personal development programme.. Due to Covid 19 we are currently running online courses over 5 days followed by 12 month structured support and whether you are planning to stay or leave we guarantee that you will learn more about yourself, what makes you tick, how to stay motivated, succeed and take charge of yourself


So, if you are looking to:

  • Take your performance to the next level
  • Increase your confidence and motivation to succeed
  • Learn new ways of thinking and communicating
  • Expand your horizons and opportunities
  • Improve your prospect for promotion
  • Clear the fog and reboot the system to gain clarity about your future and what’s important
  • Identify and change limiting beliefs and obstacles that hold your back from realising your potential

Then The Warrior Programme can:

  • Equip you with more tools and techniques to enhance your performance
  • Provide you with a new opportunity to refresh your thinking and broaden your horizons with the support of executive coaches
  • Help you to understand what’s important to you
  • Let go of unhelpful stuff from the past allowing you to concentrate on the future
  • Improve your confidence to achieve and succeed
  • Improve your ability to build strong relationships through effective communication


So, if you are looking to:

  • Maximise your potential outside the Services
  • Discover your personal values and what makes you tick
  • Get clarity and focus about your future
  • Learn new ways of thinking and communicating in civvy street
  • Be in charge and take ownership of your own goals and destiny
  • Identify and change limiting beliefs and obstacles that hold your back from realising your potential
  • Reboot the system to gain clarity about your future
  • Reconnect with family and friends

Then The Warrior Programme can:

  • Provide you with a new opportunity to refresh your thinking and broaden your horizons with the support of executive coaches as you return to civvy street
  • Equip you with more tools and techniques to enhance your performance and resilience on transitioning
  • Help you to understand what’s important to you as you leave, so that you are well prepared for your next career and secure the ‘right’ job for you rather than any old job.
  • Reboot the system and help you to discover your own personal values for success


We offer a 12 month programme, commencing with either a 3 day residential or 5 day online intensive foundation course, followed by regular refresher sessions and online interaction, including workshops every 2 weeks, and support.

During the programme you will be introduced to coaching techniques that will enable you to maximise your potential, build resilience, deal effectively with daily life and ensure that you remain focused and motivated to achieve what you want either in service or as you transition back to civvy street.

The 12 month programme is fully funded including food and accommodation, however participants will need to make their own travel arrangements to the course.


I got involved because I wanted to make a difference in my role (Unit Welfare Officer) and selfishly, for me. I wanted to have a toolkit to be able to work better.

I joined the army at 16 and was on my first op at 18. I did tours all over – the Gulf, Bosnia, Northern Ireland, Iraq and Afghanistan – I lost 8 soldiers there, 6 in one day. I still have that date tattooed on my arm. All that stuff has an impact on you, it builds. In 2013, I went to be a commissioned officer and I had a breakdown, and another one in 2015. I went to a mental health practitioner, but I ended up getting re-traumatised through treatment. I was running at 9,000 rpm. I lost my focus, drive and sense of humour.

Warrior has allowed me to really understand myself as a human being. It’s cleared the fog.

Warrior has allowed me to really understand myself as a human being. It’s cleared the fog. The experience on the course was completely unexpected. It’s reset my mind back to 20 plus years ago when I was happier. Me and my wife were never happier than when I was a Lance Corporal and life seemed simpler. Now we’re back there. The course has taken out almost all of the stress. I used to go to a very dark place. Now it’s filled with chinks of light. It’s life changing. The thing is that you don’t have to say anything about what’s happened to you if you don’t want to. It’s so powerful. I found myself crying. The limiting decision that I realised was colouring everything was that I thought I had a dirty soul, that I wasn’t good enough. It went back to when I was 3 and I had an eye patch for my eyesight. The impact of that was that I’ve been utterly paranoid about what people thought of me, without realising it really.

Now I no longer have to feel that way. I had a lightbulb moment, like someone had whipped the collar off me. I don’t do road rage or shout at the kids now. I almost lost them. Now I haven’t. My wife thinks I’m a different human being. I went home on day one full of it, running around like a spaniel. We had crossed wires and almost cross words – you have to remember that your family aren’t having the same experience and changes.

I want to go to the refresher courses and I’ll take time off work to do that because it’s important. All the staff are fabulous and Zoe and Beccy are a winning team, absolutely right for the job and you warm to them straight away.

If I can help one young person to go on Warrior and it shapes one young life, then I’ve succeeded in what I want to do. We do a lot of equipment care (EC) in the army. Warrior is EC for blokes – that’s what I call it! We need to train and equip mentally as well as physically. Why wouldn’t you invest in yourself? Especially when other people and the service takes so much from you.

Course Calendar

We are now running both online courses which run for 5 days and residential courses which run for 3 days.

We have developed our online resource to support those individuals who are waiting to attend the programme. Once you have registered your interest with us and spoken to a Coordinator you will be able to access these modules. You will also receive invitations to join regular online sessions via Zoom.

We have also developed an online resource to enable all existing participants to continue to embed the techniques taught on the Programme and are running regular training via Facebook live and Zoom. We advertise all these sessions by email and on the Facebook closed site. If you do not currently receive regular invitations, and would like to do so, please contact us at

Thank you for your continued support, stay safe and best wishes.


The Warrior Team.

For more information or to book call Freephone 0808 8010898 or click on Contact Us and send us a message.


28-30 January 2025




12 February 2025



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28 APRIL - 2 MAY 2025



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